Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rotation & Revolution

Axis axe:  the imaginary line through the middle of earth.
Tilt/incliner: earth tilt is 23.5 degree.
Polaris/polaris:  is the northern star earth axis point to it.
Equator/equateur:  the line that divide the earth into two equal part
Hemisphere/hemisphere:  there are two hemisphere the northern and southern.
Rotation /rotation: earth rotate on it axis
Revolution/ revolution: is the earth movement around the sun.
Orbit/orbite:  is the path the earth take around the sun.
Ellipse/ ellipse: is the shape of an orbit.

The Earth axis is the imaginary line through the middle of earth which always point to the Polaris star. The earth tilt is 23.5 degree, the equator divide the earth into two equal hemisphere. Earth rotate on it axis. Revolution is the earth orbit around the sun and ellipse is the shape of an orbit.

How is earth affect by movement (revolution)?
Earth revolution takes 365 days or 1 day and earth rotate on it axis. Neap tides occur because of the movement of earth. Earth revolution causes four seasons which are spring, summer, autumn and winter.we have summer/winter solstices and equinox because the earth revolve around the sun so it receive sunlight when it is in different position or angle.

1) What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy working on the props such as the moon, and moving the props around for the video because I was having fun while I was doing it.
2) What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
the most challenging part for me in this project was to figure out which thing goes first because I was really confused about what goes first or last.
3) What new skills did you learn from this project?
I think the new skills I gain through this project might be the fact that I should be organized when doing the video and just know when to bring in or out the props.
4) Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I think we all should of looked at the video more than 3 times to give feedback so we could improve it and also get more time.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Geologic Time -Devonian periode

The Devonian Period 
The Devonian periode started 417 to 354 million years ago. This periode was known as the age of fish. During this periode there was a rapide evolution of fish, including sharks and rays. Ammonities increased in population in this periode. First forests formed and some trees developed.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
The most thing I enjoy about this project is the creation of video and the Glog.
2. What was most challenging about this project?
The most challenging about this project is getting the referents of the images because sometime it was confusing to me.
3.What would you change about this project and why?
One thing I would change about this project would be copying the referents because if we wasn't finding the referents it would take us less time.
4.What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
The Devonian periode was the age of fish, there were many different type of rock such as hunsruck shale and  rhynie chert and the fossils in the bottom are the oldest one.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Mars is the 4 from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun is 227.9 Million Km.
Mass is 6.4191x 1023Km
Diameter is 6794Km
Rotation is 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 second   
Revolution is 685.98 Days
Number of Moons are 2
It is terrestrial.

Planet Description

Mars is like earth,It has polar ice caps and clouds in the atmosphere.
   Mars is forth planet from sun. On Mars the land and sky have a red or pink hue.
Mars is the red planet and also very cold.

2 Interesting fact

In the winter time temperature on Mars can go as low as -191 F.
100 pound man on earth would weight about 38 pound on Mars.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Uranus is the  7    planet from the Sun
Distance From the Sun is 2.87 million km 
Mass is 14.537 kg       Diameter  is 51,118 km
Rotation is 17hr 14min  Revolution is 84.0 years
Number of Moons is 21  and it is a Jovian.

Planet Description
The Atmosphere is hydrogen, helium and methane.
It also large, gaseous planet with thin, dark ring.
A day on Uranus is only about 17 hours.

2 Interesting Facts
1. Uranus is the coldest planet in solar system.
2.Uranus is the first planet discover in the modern time.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

What effect does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?
The warm ocean water that help form a hurricane and the north goes counter-clockwise while a hurricane is forming.
Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
The water would start overflow in the rivers and cause flooding.
If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
The area could be flooded because it is overfilled.
Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
When the ground is saturated it will be easier for flooding to occur.


What is something that you liked about this Mini-project?
I liked the fact that the Do now that we did in class was very helpful, while we was writing the paragraph.
 What was difficult for you on this project?                                            

The difficult part was to include vocabulary in the paragraph.
What would you change about your work on this project?
To get more research that would be useful while writing the paragraph.
How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
 I learn how hurricanes are formed and where it occur mostly which is in the Caribbean.